#+title: Lisp Machine - tags :: [[file:20200604222651-lisp.org][Lisp]] [[file:20210204085053-operating_systems.org][operating systems]] A Lisp Machine is a Lisp-based computer that was popular in the earlier days of computing. They fell out of favor once [[file:20200709233224-c_programming_language.org][C]] came onto the scene. Typically the operating system, from top to bottom, except for maybe some hardware-level code, is written in the same programming language. Lisp Machines were tightly coupled to their hardware, as their hardware was optimized for running Lisp. Some have said that [[file:20200709231258-emacs.org][Emacs]] may count as a modern example of a Lisp Machine. * Links - [[https://wiki.c2.com/?LispMachine]]