#+title: Problems of digital socialist planning - tags :: [[file:20210120215050-post_capitalist_economics.org][post-capitalist economics]] [[file:20210103203659-technology.org][technology]] [[file:20210103203710-tech_criticism.org][technology criticism]] Organizing all social production by machine would lead to undesirable outcomes. While some socialists claim that it's the /deus ex machina/ that humanity needs to overcome capitalism, others (such as myself!) believe that it would lead to a dystopic future. As discussed in [[file:literature/20210120214919-how_to_make_a_pencil_logic_magazine.org][this article]], computer algorithms can be written to optimize for particular variables, but work under socialism shouldn't be merely an optimization of variables, but should have concerns about things like community, sustainability, justice, and so forth, things that are not easy to turn into an algorithm. Therefore we should seek to find a technical solution.