#+title: Revolution is downstream of economics - tags :: [[file:20200713100151-revolution.org][revolution]] [[file:20210106124551-nature_of_revolution.org][nature of revolution]] - relevant notes: + [[file:20201219144544-revolution_is_unlikely_to_happen_where_the_majority_of_people_are_comfortable.org][Revolution is unlikely to happen where the majority of people are comfortable]] Hypothesis: revolution is downstream of economics of everyday life. The [[file:20200720100506-french_revolution.org][French Revolution]] and [[file:20200707205320-1917_october_revolution.org][1917 October Revolution]] occurred because life had become so unbearable for the majority of people that overthrowing the existing order was the only option. In the case of the English and French revolutions, capitalism had developed to a point such that the rising bourgeoisie were clashing with the /ancien regime/.