# What's new in Emacs 28? I've just updated to Emacs 28. ([[Updating to Emacs 28 on Linux Mint]]). What's new and of interest to me? A couple of references: - from the manual: [New in Emacs 28 (GNU Emacs FAQ)](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/efaq/New-in-Emacs-28.html) - the mother of all annotations of the release info: [What's New in Emacs 28.1? - Mastering Emacs](https://www.masteringemacs.org/article/whats-new-in-emacs-28-1) The main thing seems to be the addition of native compilation, which various sources state will give you a big speed boost. That'd be nice, although I've never really had a problem with speed. LATER…: I'll be honest, it doesn't feel any faster, and possibly slower? Maybe it's because I'd compiled it from source previously and that was faster? Oh: inspecting `system-configuration-options` in Emacs shows that it's not compiled with native compilation available. And then, looking at https://launchpad.net/~kelleyk/+archive/ubuntu/emacs, I see there's packages specifically for the nativecomp version. I wonder why it isn't the default. I'll try it. OK, so the nativecomp packages seems way **slower** than the standard package. Not sure why, not got time to look right now. Back to the standard package then!