# Technology > "Technology" is a word about as specific as "sports" or "food" or "animal". > > – [Ontology Technological Dynamics - dredmorbius](https://ello.co/dredmorbius/post/klsjjjzzl9plqxz-ms8nww) I like technology (insofar as you can like an abstract concept). I have been interested in computer [[programming]] since young, and have a background as a software developer. I like networks and social media. So when I say 'technology', I probably subconsciously lean towards meaning [[information and communication technology]], worth bearing that in mind. But also interested in e.g. [[energy development]]. I'm critical of how technology is used, and very much into the use of technology for [[liberatory purposes]]. If it's not a net positive for humanity and the world in which we live, then what's the point. > Technology is not neutral. We're inside of what we make, and it's inside of us. We're living in a world of connections — and it matters which ones get made and unmade. > > – [[Donna Haraway]] I like the [[free software]] movement, and use a lot of it. I'm interested in technology as used for communication, so yeah big fan of the [[Internet]] and am generally a fan of [[technological decentralisation]]. I am interested in the intersection of [[technology and nature]]. ## Other stuff A grab bag of things I've jotted down but haven't really got into any order… - [[AI and ethics]] - [[Intellectual property]] - [[Digital regulation]] - History of the [[textile industry]] - Limbo: virtual experience of asylum - [[IoT]] - [[Sustainable technology]] - [[Cybernetics]] - [[My Devices]] - [[System/360]] - [[Smart cities]] - [[Algorithmic bias and racism]] - [[Online content moderation]] - [[organisational tech policies]] - [[VPNs]] - [[Networks]] - [[predator prey modelling]] - [[evolutionary and adaptive systems]] - [[Repair]] > The 20th century showed that science and technology and their class character have played a role in the advancement of exploitation, inequality, unemployment, precarity, environmental degradation, genocide, extermination, manipulation, etc. > > – [[The Utopian Internet, Computing, Communication, and Concrete Utopias]]