# Querying org-roam I'd like something like [[org-ql]] for [[org-roam]]. Ideally I can just use org-ql. My first concern is maybe it won't work so well on the large number of files you have in an org-roam project. Guess I should just try it and see. ## Tests ```elisp (org-ql-query :select 'element-with-markers :from '("~/commonplace/gift-economies-build-community.org") :where '(and (heading "Epistemic status")) ) ``` ^ this works ```elisp (org-ql-query :select '(org-get-heading t t t t) :from (org-roam-list-files) :where '(and (heading "Epistemic status")) ) ``` ^ this is incredibly slow. ## org-ql and org-roam related links - [GitHub - natask/org-roam-search: org ql-like syntax for org roam search.](https://github.com/natask/org-roam-search) - doesn't look that powerful though, not close to org-ql - [alphapapa/org-ql#183 Using org-ql as powerfull filtering tool on top of org-r…](https://github.com/alphapapa/org-ql/issues/183) - reyman asks for something similar - [alphapapa/org-ql#200 Delaying mode-hooks when opening Org files for searching…](https://github.com/alphapapa/org-ql/pull/200) - discussion here about performance issues - [org-roam and tags for querying philosophy issues : emacs](https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/lhqwyw/orgroam_and_tags_for_querying_philosophy_issues/gn1k7pt/) ## Musings I guess I could lean on backlinks and org-roam's backlink buffer view…