# Maggie Appleton on Open Source as a Gift Economy A : [[podcast]] URL : https://maintainersanonymous.com/gift/ Series : [[Maintainers Anonymous]] Featuring : [[Maggie Appleton]] / Henry Zhu Great discussion on [[gift economies]], [[Free software]]. Cool to learn about "the three types of reciprocity": Generalised, Balanced, and Negative, as related to gift economies. Appreciated the discussion around embodied knowledge. (a la [[Trust Situated Knowing]]). And a little bit around the way in which metaphor and language frames our culture (a la [[The Patterning Instinct]]) [[Tools for Conviviality]] gets a mention too. Like the discussion of Patreon as a [[market economy]] dressed up as a [[gift economy]]. This post goes along with the podcast: [[A Chat with Henry Zhu on OSS & Gift Economies]]