# left-tech magazines Magazines that critical evaluate current technology / propose better alternatives. That I like to read, and eventually would like to get something published in… - [[Branch]] - [[Compost]] - [[Logic]] - [[The Reboot]] ## Branch - [Repairing Our Relationship with Technology - Branch](https://branch.climateaction.tech/issues/issue-1/the-right-to-repair/): ~800 words - Author: founder of charity, written plenty other blog posts - [One Vision, One World. Whose World Then? - Branch](https://branch.climateaction.tech/issues/issue-1/one-vision-one-world-whose-world-then/): ~2000 words - Authors: indigenous leader, lawyer; PhD candidate - [#Tech4Bad: When Do We Say No? - Branch](https://branch.climateaction.tech/issues/issue-3/tech4bad-when-do-we-say-no/): ~2000 words - Authors: ? Average maybe around 1500? Contributions: [Request for Contributions - Branch](https://branch.climateaction.tech/request-for-contributions/) ## Logic - [[How to Make a Pencil]]: ~4000/5000 words. - Author: university researcher, writer of a book - [Specter in the Machine](https://logicmag.io/commons/specter-in-the-machine/): ~3000 words - Author: written for The Baffler, Dissnet, The Nation, etc - [[Informatics of the Oppressed]]: ~5000 words - Author: PhD candidate in Science, Technology, and Society at MIT - [Agile and the Long Crisis of Software](https://logicmag.io/clouds/agile-and-the-long-crisis-of-software/): ~5500 words - Author: assistant professor in information studies and digital humanities Rough average of 4000 words. ## Compost No issue yet in 2022. - [COMPOST Issue 02: Uncivilizing Digital Territories by Luandro](https://two.compost.digital/uncivilizing-digital-territories/): ~4000 words - Author: technologist, forester, and admirer of originary cultures. - [[Seeding the Wild]]: ~2500 words - Authors: members of a think and do cooperative - [COMPOST Issue 01: The Salt of the Cosmos by Tal Milovina](https://one.compost.digital/the-salt-of-the-cosmos/) : ~3500 words - Author: editor of online magazine, other articles published elsewhere Average maybe around 3000? ## The Reboot Not very active in 2022.