# knowledge commoning [[Commoning]] a [[knowledge commons]]. If [the number of Evergreen notes written per day is the leading indicator for yourself activity as a knowledge worker](https://notes.andymatuschak.org/Evergreen%20note-writing%20as%20fundamental%20unit%20of%20knowledge%20work), what's the equivalent for knowledge commoning? Perhaps the same. But a number for numbers' sake is not a great metric. What purposes are your notes/claims/statements for? What problem are they solving? What task are they helping to coordinate? Who are they helping? > If you do go all the way, concentrate on writing out just two short solid ideas every day (Luhmann averaged about 6 per day and Roland Barthes averaged 1 and change). > > – [[Reframing and simplifying the idea of how to keep a Zettelkasten]]