# 2022-08-03 - Updating spacemacs and updating all packages. Never quite know what will work and won't work every time I do this. - I feel like one day I should move to Doom. But I'm pretty bedded in. - As expected, something wrong. - First issue: Error in dotspacemacs/user-config: Cannot open load file: No such file or directory, org-roam-ui - Is org-roam-ui no longer included in spacemacs? I dunno, just removed (load-library "org-roam-ui") it from user-config. - Second issue: [[apply: Symbol's value as variable is void: symbolp]]. When I do `SPC p p`. Which is `helm-projectile-switch-project`. - I was in meetings for 4h30m today. - I filed a bunch of things from my TO FILE file yesterday. Some good stuff in there from years back. - Listened: [["We all should be botanists" Interview with Leif Bersweden]] - [[Energy company profits]]