# 2022-01-08 - [[Flancia Meet 2022-01-08]] - [[Maya]] has collected our chat on [[Wheel of the Year]] and related stuff here - https://maya.land/fragments/neil-wheel-of-the-year/ - Reading the news, various claims considered: - [[Democracies are inherently unstable and susceptible to ruin by aggressive, skilled demagogues]] - [[There is a latent fascist waiting to emerge in all humans]] - [[The menace of Trumpism is darker now than it ever was before]] - [[Britain is better off without Bristol's monument to Colston]] - Continuing the addition of [[epistemic disclosure]] to notes in my digital garden, I've been adding an 'agreement vector' to any claims that I make. - I started using the possible answers from Magic 8-Ball for this. e.g. "[[Without a doubt]]", "[[Ask again later]]", "My sources say no". - Because: a) it's funny; b) they contain both direction and magnitude of agreement, which is handy; c) I prefer to have backlinks to a phrase rather than a number. - [[Querying org-roam]] - [[There is no such thing as knowledge]] - Listening: [[The Political Economy of Solarpunk (with Andrew Dana Hudson)]] - [[Solarpunk is about technologies that de-abstract human relationships with the material world]] - Yass. - [[Reality is identical with divinity]]