# 2021-12-27 - [[Knowledge commoner]] > [[Knowledge worker]] - Last [[node club]] of 2021! I am going to look at [[gift economy]]. (I was originally going to look at [[totalitarianism]] as I'm reading [[V for Vendetta]] but this feels a bit more festive). I am interested how gift economies relate to / differ from [[mutual aid]] and [[commoning]]. - Reading [[V for Vendetta]] - [[Gift economy]] > Giving lives in a domain ranging from deep symbolism to basic housekeeping. It is the currency of the small-scale resilient community. It is sometimes magic, in that some kinds of gift can be given over and over again without loss—love, for example, and (in a different sense, since time cannot really be replenished) the gift of reciprocal service to each other. The “reciprocal” part happens, but not by arrangement. This is the opposite of transparency: you cast your gift upon the waters, and what comes back is trust. > > – [[Lean Logic]], [Gifts](https://leanlogic.online/glossary/gifts/) - [[How I take notes]] - [[Distributed digital gardens]] - [[Joseph Beuys]] - Listening: [[PALACES FOR THE PEOPLE: the future of public libraries]] - [[public libraries]]