# 2020-11-28 - Reframing tech. [[Principles for ethical technology]]. ![[reframing-tech.png]] - I like the idea of [[Inter-brain zettelkasten]]. - [[Threaded Twitter]] is the common example. - But obviously, I prefer the [[IndieWeb]]. - All of a sudden, executing PlantUML source blocks is broken. Sigh. [[Fixing PlantUML in org-babel]]. - Revisting [[Problem with org-roam's file-level graphing]] again from yesterday. Figured out a total hack for resolving it for now. - Watching a bit of [[EmacsConf 2020]], starting with [[Leo Vivier]] discuss moving from being a user to a maintainer. A literature major who started with Emacs for taking notes. - Also Bala Ramadurai talking about [[Emacs for writing]]. He mentioned that he used the [[Snowflake method]]. - Thoroughly enjoying [The Central Memory](https://www.cyberneticforests.com/music/) by The Organizing Committee - quite a work of art. AI-assisted 'Cyborg Pop' with references to [[Allende]], [[Project Cybersyn]], [[Stafford Beer]], [[Deleuze and Guattari]], [[Situationism]], and it all sounds a bit like a Stereolab album. (Found [via](https://www.kickscondor.com/the-organizing-committee/) [[Kicks Condor]]) - [[Made myself a logo with PlantUML]]