# How would you link IndieWeb and Agora? [[Flancian]] [asked](https://matrix.to/#/!JNfHvclamcmFVqsTug:matrix.org/$qRE08LMhvxkxxfVMWb7NDrrYPvsfXNjYtNjICSK_G3A?via=matrix.org&via=fairydust.space): "does it make sense to think of federation agora <-> indieweb?" I replied: That's a really good question In some sense IndieWeb is just having a website of your own on a domain of your own So e.g. flancia.org is already IndieWeb Then you get the webmentions stuff for interacting peer-to-peer between sites I'd say a digital garden is very much IndieWeb And I guess I think of Agora on one level as a garden aggregator. Agora is kind of like for gardens what micro.blog is for streams. micro.blog uses a lots of the IndieWeb protocols, but makes it a lot easier for non-developers to have one. Like you literally just set up an account.