# How to build a new world in the shell of the old – [How to build a new world in the shell of the old](https://theecologist.org/2018/apr/23/how-build-new-world-shell-old) - "As hierarchical society gives way to genuine democracy, is the institutions we orgnise and experiment with today that will become the replacements." - "By meeting basic community needs, such institutions rupture capitalism's control over people's lives." - "Every city has its graveyard of nonprofits, cooperatives, social clubs and community centres. Without the more complex infrastructure of a whole solidarity economy ecosystem, our local projects cannot possibly amount to a systemic alternative to capitalism." - I like this article. - talking about dual power. - we build the grassroots movements, but we also have to think about the bigger picture. - similar to inventing the future, similar to cooperation jackson. - without a joined up bigger picture, it won't happen. - they seem to suggest that both the solidarity economy and social economy/bookchin ideas might be the way of getting to this point.