# Following Twitter people via Nitter and Miniflux So I use a self-hosted [[Nitter]] and self-hosted [[Miniflux]] combo to follow these feeds. Nitter is an alternative front-end to Twitter, and very helpfully gives you an RSS feed of any account. Miniflux is a minimal RSS reader. So I just plop the Nitter RSS feeds in to Miniflux and read the local stuff there. Both of them are installed via [[YunoHost]], which makes it a doddle to set up. ## Issues Feed fetching from Nitter fails periodically. But I just have to force refresh it a few times and it sorts itself out. ## [2022-03-21 Mon] Get 404s and 429s returned from Nitter via Miniflux fairly frequently. I wonder if that's Nitter actually returning that, or Twitter? ## [2022-03-19 Sat] Since the [[RSS-Bridge]] thing was never much of a success, I've installed [[Nitter]] on my [[YunoHost]] to get RSS feeds of people I want to follow on [[Twitter]]. I could add the RSS feeds to [[Aperture]], but I would feel kind of bad adding a feed for every single Twitter user I want, it's more load on the Aperture server. So I've also installed [[Miniflux]] via YunoHost too, interested to give that a pop as an RSS reader.