# Educate, agitate, organise "the holy trinity of [[socialism]]" ([None of Us Cracked the Corbyn Moment – but, Comrades, We Can All Build On It …](https://www.weareplanc.org/blog/none-of-us-cracked-the-corbyn-moment-but-comrades-we-can-all-build-on-it/)) ## Educate Read and disseminate. ![[images/educate.jpg]] CC BY-NC-SA Autonomous Design Group https://www.weareadg.org/unions ## Agitate ![[images/agitate.jpg]] CC BY-NC-SA Autonomous Design Group https://www.weareadg.org/unions ## Organise Participate in networks, out of this form communities of praxis. ![[images/organise.jpg]] CC BY-NC-SA Autonomous Design Group https://www.weareadg.org/unions