# Declaration of Digital Autonomy - https://techautonomy.org/ From the Software Freedom Conservancy. I like the focus on consent, ownership, right to change/repair, privacy. Too end-user focused though, I'd want some mention of the producers of technology… there shouldn't be any exploitation anywhere in the supply chain. They don't really state what they mean by [[Autonomy]] - I'll take it as the definition of "freedom to act without being controlled by others or manipulated by covert influences". Describes 4 top-level principles of 'ethical technology'. - in service of the people who use it - informed consent - empowering individual and collective digital action - protect people's privacy and other rights by design Like that it gives some specific points for each of them. ### in service of the people who use it - freedom from surveillance, data gathering, data sales, and vendor and file format lock-in ### informed consent - study and understand the technology - what information is being collected and stored ### empowering individual and collective digital action - ability to change what you are using - ability to replace software on a device they have purchased - ability to repair the technology ### protect people's privacy and other rights by design - privacy - open communication - safety to develop ideas without fear of monitoring, risk, or retribution ## Some additions I'd want - doesn't really give any definition of what is meant by digital, autonomy, and technology. The title references 'digital autonomy', then 'ethical technology' is the focus in the body. I guess they're saying ethical technology should provide digital autonomy? - very focused on the user - but technology must be free from violence and exploitation throughout the supply chain; - who is it aimed at… who is we?