# Building orgzly ## Why? It's not had a release for nearly a year, but a bunch of features have been added in that I'd like. Specifically that of relative paths working as they do in Emacs, so that they work across both. Also webdav sync could be handy. ## Building - [GitHub - orgzly/orgzly-android: Outliner for taking notes and managing to-do …](https://github.com/orgzly/orgzly-android#building--testing) Seems I need gradle, which seems to then need SDKMAN! - [Home - SDKMAN! the Software Development Kit Manager](https://sdkman.io/) ```bash source "/home/neil/.sdkman/bin/sdkman-init.sh" sdk install gradle ``` ```bash cd Code/ git clone https://github.com/orgzly/orgzly-android cd orgzly-android/ ./gradlew build ``` > > SDK location not found. Define location with an ANDROIDSDKROOT environment variable or by setting the sdk.dir path in your project's local properties file at '/home/neil/Code/orgzly-android/local.properties'. https://developer.android.com/studio Download command line tools only. ```bash unzip commandlinetools-linux-6858069_latest.zip mkdir ~/android mv cmdline-tools/ ~/android cd android/cmdline-tools mkdir latest mv latest/ cmdline-tools/ cd Code/orgzly-android/ ./gradlew build ANDROID_SDK_ROOT=/home/neil/android/ ./gradlew build scp app/build/outputs/apk/fdroid/release/app-fdroid-release-unsigned.apk dloop: scp app/build/outputs/apk/fdroid/debug/app-fdroid-debug.apk dloop: ``` New settings: - Root for absolute links (e.g. `file:/readme.txt`) - Root for relative links (e.g. `file:readme.txt`) Files now open properly! I open them either in orgro, or images open in the file manager.