# Archiving my tweets in my garden with orger I stopped using Twitter with any regularity a long time back now. I was never a big user of it. But I did for a while. Out of interest, I'm going to get my archive of old tweets and put them into my digital garden for posterity. I can use [[orger]] for this. ## Log ### [2021-04-02 Fri 12:11] - Install orger - Install HPI - Setup HPI for Twitter - https://github.com/karlicoss/HPI/blob/master/doc/SETUP.org#twitter - Need to download Twitter archive - https://help.twitter.com/en/managing-your-account/how-to-download-your-twitter-archive - Now I have to wait until they notify me about it being ready. How long does that take? Quite a while I guess. Maybe I come back to this tomorrow. ### [2021-04-04 Sun 12:49] Archive is ready now (I think it was ready somepoint yesterday, so let's say it took about a day to be produced). - Place my `twitter-2021-03-04-*.zip` file in `~/Data/twitter-archives/`. - Add the details to `~/.config/my/my/config/__init__.py` - OK, that's HPI config done. Now use it with orger. - Copy https://github.com/karlicoss/orger/blob/master/modules/twitter.py - `import my.twitter.all` -> `import my.twitter.archive` - `python3 twitter.py` And it works!