# 2020-03-09 - reading this article on [[org-roam]] https://www.nateliason.com/blog/roam - he uses it for [[BASB]], productivity, and a [[CRM]]. - he prefers it to Evernote and Notion - I should read the [[BASB]] article. - Roam seems to have metadata. Does org-roam? - reading [How To Take Smart Notes With Org-mode ยท Jethro Kuan](https://blog.jethro.dev/posts/how_to_take_smart_notes_org/) - [[note taking]] in general - [[zettelkasten]] - author creates a page for each article they are reading - tags it based on 'in what context do I want to see this note again?' - - to read: https://blog.jethro.dev/posts/automatic_publishing/ - [[tools for thought]]