`tarvalon` is an all-in-one PC. I had it since 2016 and went through a lot with it. For the first year of university, I used to use when I was back at home, but then gave it to my mother. I should include a photo here, shouldn't I? It still works ok. However, if I went back in time, I would've got a normal PC desktop that I could upgrade, repair, et cetera for the same price. Maintenance of this device is painful. Performance is bearable. It came with a Windows 10 copy. I used it like twice. For some time, I dual-booted, then I removed it completely. Operating systems that were installed on this computer are: * Windows 10. Pre-installed. * Linux Mint Cinnamon. This was the first GNU+Linux distribution I had ever tried. * Antergos (Arch, but easier to install). Countless desktop environments were tried on it, until I more or less settled on dwm. * OpenSUSE Tumbleweed on XFCE. Used for a week, there was some critical problem I could not bear. * Linux Mint MATE. When I moved to [[caemlyn]], I left a boring OS behind. * Windows 10. For the next user. The name comes from Tar Valon from [[the wheel of time]].