**ed(1)** is line-oriented text editor, originally created in the times when people used teletypes to operate computers. Nowadays, it is mostly useless, yet I am somewhat capable of using it. Here are the use-cases for using it I had: * When the previous text in the shell is needed for me to edit the file and I'm lazy to make an extra effort to have both the text and a visual (visual as in not line-oriented) editor. For example: { ```sh $ ls i-need-this-filename this-one-too $ ed ~/important.txt a some important text that i cannot write without remembering the filenames . ``` Easy as that. } * In vim or neovim, when I have an opened terminal pane and I want to quickly edit a file in the same window (using vim terms) without removing the terminal from there. Both use-cases are questionable, yet I used ed(1) in these cases. What're you gonna do? So, the fact that ed(1) does not overlay the shell is a useful trait. Another useful trait is that it opens files on the last line. It lets you make quick notes along the way, with no need for extra software! ```sh $ doing something very important this is an important output $ ed ~/notes.txt a Here's a very cool idea I had and that I do not want to forget and I'm scared to switch the window to a note-taking program or a browser. . ``` Actually, ed(1) is quite good for adding new text to documents! But actually editing them? Thanks, no. = What's that (1)? ed(1)'s documentation is available in `man`. Run `man ed` to read if, if you have ed(1) installed. In man, there are 8 standard sections of manuals, numbered from 1 to 8, with 1 corresponding to general commands, which ed(1) seems to be. The man viewer even says `ED(1)` on top of the document. I guess that's where that comes from. Why do I write it like that? Because that's what the person managing [[https://twitter.com/ed1conf]] does and I like it and find it fun and funny. I wonder if they were the first to do so. = See also * [[links>414 | Edbrowse]], an ed(1)-inspired editor+browser+mail client.