# Property Law Answers the important [[civil law]] question: Who has the right to use, exclude others from, or make a profit from a piece of property? Property can be either [[tangible property]] or [[intangible property]]. By way of example, property law resolves or creates the following issues: - When does property need to be registered, and what are the consequences of not registering? - What happens to property when the owner dies? - What happens to property when the owner is incapacitated? - What happens to abandoned property? - What happens when co-owners have a dispute? - How does a property owner transfer ownership to someone else? - How does a property owner transfer possession to someone else? - How does a property owner regain possession? Is self-help permitted? [//begin]: # "Autogenerated link references for markdown compatibility" [civil law]: civil-law.md "Civil Law" [//end]: # "Autogenerated link references"