This morning I caught a snippet on the news about a scottish man having won the world's strongest man competition. He could lift 450kg - the weight of a small horse! But what else could he do? Can a system be too strong? Too much strength can create rigidity and inability to flow. Really strong systems are risky structures. We can hold these really strong structures as mental models in our minds. They prevent us from learning. Learning is flexibility. A strong and supple relationship is a thing of beauty. It is harmonious and flowing. It is supported by things like trust, timing, coordination, sensitivity and, dare I say, Love? I watched this amazing video of two such systems merging into oneness...creating something neither could achieve alone. YOUTUBE 20rdm-KqH3g True Agility It is pure beauty. I think humans are programmed to recognise it. It touches us deeply. We only see the 5 minutes of beauty but behind it is decades of conscientious practice. Discipline. Love. Luck. What do you see? It is the same with the united horse and rider system. Both horse and rider are strong and supple. But for real emergence we need strong connections. Take a look at this fabulous performance: YOUTUBE DcDLLxgWa_Y Dancing with a horse I am thinking now about partnerships with people for See the Systems. I'm being asked to sign NDA's by various individuals. Could these people be dancing partners? Can they be agile? Do they understand trust? Love? See [[Slave to Love]]