# Step 1: Focus Identify an issue of concern This needs to be a local issue that really matters to you and the group. How would you like your neighborhood to be different? How would a solution/progress impact you? Who else shares your concern? Engaging a team # Step 2: Initial Map Recognition that we are all systems thinkers(that we see and engage with the world in terms of parts and connections.) Follow the instructions for Marc's "[[Systems Certification]]" # Step 3: Mapping Tools Recognising the world/your neighborhood as a system. Structure affects behavior. Mental models Making systems explicit Variables, relationships, feedback Refer to ISSS conference video and [[Power of Exponential]] article. Series of exercises: - [[Dominoes Experience]] (team) - [[Iceberg Model]] - [[Circles in the Air]] (individual) - [[Variables Experience]] Variable spotting exercise (individual) - [[Paper folding Experience]] (individual) - [[Identify R loop]] (team) - [[Identify B loop]] (team) VIMEO 576754363 Mapping System Dynamics video # Step 4: Creating your map 3 ways in: 1. Structure questions 2. Stakeholder questions 3. Write the story See [[FAQ's for CLD's]] Then refine and improve iteratively. See questions to extend and questions to verify. # Step 5: Designing Interventions Identifying root causes/leverage points Who has influence? Consequences (impact) of intervening. Select intervention(s) to test # Step 6: Experiment and Evaluate Tasks, team, engagement, tools, measuring progress, learning, Project and Risk management, Persistence. # Step 7: Sharing Learning Citizen journalism Story telling Encourage new teams # Step 8: Repeat!