Each room approaching this differently. Need to ensure all participants are making a contribution. Different approaches...whiteboard etc, Post its etc Different size groups. Different approaches to facilitation. eg utopia/dystopia. Seeing a student dominating in one group (sitting in centre) Need some way of making decisions on where to focus when there are lots of ideas. I would suggest thinking of Impact and Ability to Influence. Choose High, Highs. Key is getting an agreed focus. And having some appreciation of relationships/connectedness. Being able to see what they have written -> recommend they use a broader nibbed pen or a stand out colour. Maybe we can give them an example map for something of relevance in Oregon.....We can take one of their focus's and create an example map. Thompson's phone ran out of battery...need a spare battery. They are jumping ahead. No training for trainers...they have had scrambler DIG before but not this. It is blind leading blind...so they are reverting to command and control. We need a train the trainer for it to be embodied. # Themes on SyS 1 Maps: 3083 - Discrimination, Homelessness, Mental Health 3084 - Art, Statues, Murals, Music, Poems 3086/7 - Homes, Safety, Sleep, Resources 3088 - Helping people, pollution, Consideration, Equality 3089 - Food, Games, Human/animal rights 3090 - Basic mechanics 3091 - Drunk driving, Littering, Fairness, Equality, Respect, Taxes 3092 - Safety, Empathy 3093 - Safety, Human rights, Welcoming, Inclusive, Food security