[https://systemdynamics.org/covid-19/ System Dynamics Society page on Covid modelling] SD Model of Covid 29 July 2020 [https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41660-020-00130-x?shared-article-renderer Paper] YOUTUBE mxUsBI0Wr2M Tom Fiddaman Ventana Simple Vensim Covid model NB The Fiddaman model is highly simplified. He explains this in the video. The big issue is no connection from recovered back to susceptible.I also wonder about the bigger system impacts...on health (esp mental health), the economy and so on. And of course, there are no vaccines modelled here. ISee systems have created a simulation model of Covid [https://exchange.iseesystems.com/models/player/isee/covid-19-model here]. It has more explicit structure (eg on testing) but does not feedback recovered into uninfected. And no vaccinations... YOUTUBE VaGFCEi46Fk Agent based Model of Covid in Netlogo [https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20210114-covid-19-how-effective-is-a-single-vaccine-dose BBC article on Effectiveness of single doses of the vaccine] It will be interesting and informative to build a simple SD model of the vaccination program especially given the differences in efficacy of 1 or 2 doses of different vaccines. Article title "When will it be safe to go out again?" [https://covidsim.org/v4.20210203/?place=gb Imperial College, London, simulation tool, Covidsim] [https://covid-19-localisation-modelling.thinkific.com/ SDS Local Covid modelling with kids] [https://localcovid19model.org/ Covid19 modelling competition for kids] [https://covid-19-localisation-modelling.thinkific.com/ SDS seminar series] [https://silico.app/ Silico modelling app] [https://www.silicoai.com/ Silico main site] Gary Smith introduced me to Stueti Gupta. Here is an [https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/systems-thinking-understand-impact-pandemic-stueti-gupta/?trackingId=FZR4p1P7hcrNo9L7wflV5w%3D%3D article] she wrote in linkedin with a CLD of Covid. She uses a free simulation modelling facility called AnyLogic (see [https://cloud.anylogic.com/models here]. It enables agent based modelling as well as discrete event and continuous (SD) simulation. Here is a link to an OU MOOC on pandemic modelling: [https://www.futurelearn.com/courses/pandemics-modelling-and-policy Access MOOC.] Here is a link to Cristian Jimenez Netlogo model: [http://modelingcommons.org/browse/one_model/6250#model_tabs_browse_info here]