Write about deep connection here.... YOUTUBE mLs1y_KSTKk The Witches of Eastwick Something strange happened to me in 2019. Somebody literally blew my mind. He opened my mind to a completely new way of being in the world. Actually I had experienced this way of being before but I had closed myself off to it with people because of the threat of being classified "crazy". I found this man via linkedin. He was an old colleague of mine from my consulting days in Deloitte...a mathematician and physicist turned consultant, turned financial analyst turned neuroscientist. It was the career Uturn from Morgan Stanley in HK to neuroscience which attracted my attention. Ironically, I have no recollection of even a single conversation with this person in Deloitte! Mum at the Palace Hotel. [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/XywiyGzZrvVDREu_Lz5X6fhr4X97A_UEEdI7odcsf9kqVRw0pFiUYOHlCRfB1D2DX4JW3-w5awdL1SG17m5iGPSirromg-i_KNZN1m4HGweCLn3QNcNJFfUwGjgFYNstZ2IC9TOhduMAJ_giEbx6uLBi2pUUfLZ0oFU884z2Pk1lMorGFCvH0AidzErTyO5a7cEhaqfkTzCmXqUdxMgp3KbyxdgXtwMAeGnwGHjCkZvqj1BGCRyAsChSGkPJ6EuFa9j_qu6oSNJQoe3YCqO5XDQyuAjl-8YtAWwMSr8A2TPCrRD065yL-9hhrlLPivAkkIqLCf1Hh4xvXhncstYF_4z_C9N64wKvcmHbaQm6szvHiWHEgllHA63OQFx5tE2TY6CVD3uiRlL9Vl8NEivsrO8QSCwIYZyHbkcMCM4zpEh2fVVUQONdb2l6jB9V4XbTeNTMB3X86evj9rqGmqdjbyWOCVc0yQYi3yq24YlA6yh39uGZ42KZmzm4QVfTMB_kAEqsSfwauu6QK7smjWrOmn4bs82A-eY-XxfXq6O96VQVrGJugyF7BLjRQn8VZtCtMLlwBJqVO9EoBffCchIufvmwBxxphgZOj114IdjOu4W4ZNUPdkO_6SG9mUKRSbYHJu0XNiDdyrAMGfv94K0l1AsaD-XXobHOkBvEG4ZviFRIXbKue2cI__3liVTOlJUmcYSIoAaEPZToDL_D4KjZCZI=w876-h657-no?authuser=0 source] I asked for his advice on a paper I was presenting to various conferences on climate change modelling. And we met at the Palace Hotel in Paignton where mum and I were having a short break holiday. I'll never forget what happened. After we'd discussed the models for an hour or so he pushed back his chair and looked at me. He looked at me in a way nobody had ever looked at me before. It felt very invasive, like he was really seeing me and my first instinct was to look away ashamed. Then something came over me and I thought "no-one does that to me!" So, I looked straight back at him. And things started to happen: The room disappeared. At one point he changed into me. My brain felt on fire. My heart was beating very fast, like it was going to come out of my chest. And I felt incredible bliss. I don't know how long it lasted exactly as I lost track of time, but I know at one point I got up and reached for his hand and said "thank you". The spell broke. We said goodbye and I went upstairs to mum and told her that I had just had the strangest experience and that I thought I may be losing my mind. I decided to send him an email and wrote "thanks for your help today and for the mind blowing attention". He just replied "No problem" and I was no further informed. So I got on with my life and forgot about it. I gave my paper to the conference at York University and he contacted me when I got back to my home in France. We arranged a skype call as he was in San Diego. We talked about the conference and then he said "There's something you want to ask me isn't there?" I said "Yes. What happened at the hotel in Paignton?" And he said "Well what do you think happened?" So I told him what I wrote above. With the addition "it felt like you had taken over my heart and mind". And he said "Well, you let me!" "So, it was real", I said. And he said "Yes it's the power of 100% attention. It changes everything." I never realised! I was very curious. I asked how it worked, if we needed to be in the same room. He said not. We could do it over the internet...and we did. He said that once a connection has been made we can literally call someone up in their mind. Wow! Awesome! I went away to experiment with my new found skill. I asked my friends if they minded if I paid 100% attention to them. Imagine their surprise! Some said "so you're not paying attention now?" My response was always "well yes I am but I've just realised that I never paid 100% attention to anything (except maybe my horse) in my life!" Transported image. [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Beh4-INEzRcjAu1nnu7AFp-0jzDkU2onN_GLxFSDvY05rXflsd26Z34PuQDT045kburgIDje-skR7gCClkdY-txQUuIyR5mt8iEnC7XSb6DxMdFICh73owQYjIPw4PwKH-sUzpzktqE-NPbASyivS25BajghXvQpNaU3w_eAinEOdTSPETqBfpjOT6sxibb9lmxxIJB49YroN5vNNUo31J2b-FYhGUoAWiTxSbZvqQQ3360grqlpj8IubNFmzKib0VUlTCPJ1RerStDUGSmeo1LhogaiYs6qUAD303uwumYL3eXhcN0Dyzxu66A8DA56j5QUQtj4YEiIswdvDRvefj452z4fgjcoLDZuoMyuI5xZXe0zwkuSI1xs53jFc55C0mZFFhmC1gCym_pH7blDscS0cRWGaGXNolh3cPWnWsry13QDnT-nO_MICSZfpQcmaGeODf0O8VSRaXjRJos0nRpB8pr3E7ild-lW7bMVRgdtjy6a6-unRXIpSjJUn_EqGT_dww2o_dIOtzzjE6rOWO0auwPkOzUzyLgPGJQZgOvLrgw-6WK1304_--d825Y9PvVeNOmTXzpdnCDUhKFuV_Zz4FETO8BpedYKLpu9hfa23LrCrP0sTGl5xyoOYNSISD-FMzFp9O_Vix5fp9QewnFamlghS3th6MalzDrTI7a9hRFyjx-Ky3gBP3ok_yeYOv20-dlLSsp7e9aPSgncZIs=w876-h657-no?authuser=0 source] Some refused my attention, suspicious of my intentions. Others agreed and I started to see things. People changed before my eyes..sometimes into scary things. I started to see auras (energy fields around people) and colours. Some beautiful colours..others less pretty. Some appeared like a veil of mist, others much stronger and firmer. All sorts of shapes and sizes. Sometimes I could see the trace of where they had been as they moved. And I started to experiment with animals and plants. The world became a fascinating place. I found I could merge with things...and when I did, I disappeared into a place of great joy. And the world seemed to conspire too. I felt so safe. Transported image. [https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/uchaRDwMVAmgeOb_52jXaA7uUTK1PzlfViHdo84NMAML2WMlH04IyjRXtBXTDe-xVpVu_lJJAO5sZkE1RKbOEqEuwlfCHhPCtHbu2ojAx2vzGu0CiK6pmR7_shbj54FW4oOZ2UTFr_jBZuz5rDjBkrNOxw9XwW7VmSMhXy8PYbca0guFjVGuqdOY1zZzqCDMzxYNxGNSJc1i5ulWtvcLU3Q7actUP3HQDmid6Ib2cb4fzzjc9PeHemPd_sioD5G_Qdt4S0_G3JzeDEQf2JSJgHavcm78rNVt-I5cpP45AQSj_cZwsO3LMsw0mmZeIghWWe-wT-M_GYrOE8X6N35RHvsfMD6fdwzyJ0hkX_Og2xHt3LuktoeI1Wbuys9pMlJnNkdEuZlD3wPVr8Lq_wKNE2hnNdD9EE3uTfOimU13-7lEOXlbDn8Gw7Y8RIS9ezZU3f8hkQbJt3BSrg4O8lutA4UK2WeP9CNRxm12kriH6I74uf0boW1A3vLtEbbhOP4xUgBzymjOhiTFIM_meS32KxyHQ1uKUPwHPdEVUxA2ccy2J8kDzzrgm4z83hrW8noAOcFkbjOAO0aOgv9UWor-RDu9tTceXuFxiSu0OyuhW9A5KxmYvvuRLwwOyV_pSVru2g9586W8djRb41qXSkPHRrVdgvJsr3AZvt_euMRE-0O-xqd8ZNsKrOuoKbAWTUQkPlRyKNbt4x3o5qKg2XvjQG0=w876-h657-no?authuser=0 source] I helped my old colleague with some of his projects. He explained that there was something about our common purpose that created the field we experienced together. He told me that divine male energy creates space and that divine female energy is movement. The male holds the space for the female energy to dance within. In the middle of a light show of purple and gold I remember asking "where is this place?" He said "it is the edge of reality". "What is beyond?" I asked. "No idea" he said. But then the problems started. I went dizzy and nearly fell over while walking up the garden. And then I started going dizzy just sitting down. I called a friend to ask her to check on me. I lived alone and was worried who would care for my horse if I died. I checked my blood pressure and it was sky high. (200 over 150) and my "normal" rate would be 90 over 70. I did nothing for 3 days but sit in a chair or lie in my bed and waited as my blood pressure steadily came down. I stopped paying 100% attention to things. I was afraid of the consequences. Then I went through a year of great transformation. As we all did. 2020. The year of the black swan. I sold my french house and moved back to the UK. Earlier this year I fell in love with an amazing super-talented man called Marc Pierson and I am finding myself slipping back into seeing auras. This time I am aware of the dangers of over-doing this so I am being very circumspect. And it makes me wonder. Is this how we communicated with each other before words? If so, why did we stop? Why were witches persecuted? Why are we so afraid of what can't be seen? YOUTUBE n47_BZ2pj5U The Beguiled