# Table of Contents - [`[2019-11-03]` Why Create a New Unix Shell?](#whycrtnwnxshll) - [`[2020-02-21]` Ambitions for a Unix Shell | Hacker News](#mbtnsfrnxshllhckrnws) - [`[2018-05-09]` comparing databases](#cmprngdtbss) [[shell]] [[sqlite]] - [`[2019-08-26]` Seven God-Like Bash History Shortcuts You Will Actually Use | Lobsters](#svngdlkbshhstryshrtctsywllctllyslbstrs) - [`[2020-04-15]` The first two statements of your BASH script should be…](#sshshbntllthfrsttwsttmntstwsttmntsfyrbshscrptshldb) - [`[2020-05-16]` Nushell | A new type of shell.](#swwwnshllshnshllnwtypfshll) [[shell]] [[malleable]] - [`[2020-05-16]` about | Nushell](#swwwnshllshbthtmlbtnshll) # `[2019-11-03]` Why Create a New Unix Shell? # `[2020-02-21]` Ambitions for a Unix Shell | Hacker News Thanks for the support! Since I may not get to those blog posts in a timely fashion, here's a little outline (and maybe this comment will form the seed of them) # `[2018-05-09]` comparing databases [[shell]] [[sqlite]] One possibility is to use the sqlite3 command line client to export both databases and then diff the output. For example, sqlite3 first.sqlite .dump >first.dump sqlite3 second.sqlite .dump >second.dump diff first.dump second.dump # `[2019-08-26]` Seven God-Like Bash History Shortcuts You Will Actually Use | Lobsters # `[2020-04-15]` [The first two statements of your BASH script should be…](https://ashishb.net/all/the-first-two-statements-of-your-bash-script-should-be/) #!/usr/bin/env bash set -euo pipefail The first statement is a Mac, GNU/Linux, and BSD portable way of finding the location of the bash interpreter. The second statement combines # `[2020-05-16]` [Nushell | A new type of shell.](https://www.nushell.sh/) [[shell]] [[malleable]] ## `[2020-05-16]` [about | Nushell](https://www.nushell.sh/about.html) dditionally, commands can output structured data (you can think of this as a third kind of stream). Commands that work in the pipeline fit into one of three categories: