# Table of Contents
- [related](#rltd) [[programming]] [[elisp]] [[plt]] [[computing]]
- [`[2019-10-18]` What did Alan Kay mean by, "Lisp is the greatest single programming language ever designed"? | Lobsters](#whtddlnkymnbylspsthgrtstsprgrmmnglnggvrdsgndlbstrs) [[lisp]]
- [`[2019-12-04]` eh, dunno feels like it's hard to appreciate Lisp now because it hasn't evolved much and concepts that were novel once are taken for granted now](#hdnnflslktshrdtpprctlspnwtsthtwrnvlncrtknfrgrntdnw)
- [`[2020-01-16]` Running Lisp in Production](#rnnnglspnprdctn) [[lisp]]
- [`[2019-10-23]` Let Over Lambda](#sltvrlmbdcmtxtmdclgstchphtmlltvrlmbd)
- [`[2021-01-01]` I think it would be not that much better than prefix. Infix is easier to read, … | Hacker News](#snwsycmbntrcmtmdthnktwldbtrthnprfxnfxssrtrdhckrnws) [[lisp]]
- [`[2021-01-03]` On repl-driven programming - by mikel evins](#smklvnsgthbpstsrpldrvnnrpldrvnprgrmmngbymklvns) [[repl]] [[lisp]]
- [`[2021-01-08]` Python for Lisp Programmers](#snrvgcmpythnlsphtmlpythnfrlspprgrmmrs) [[python]] [[lisp]]
- [`[2021-01-01]` Lisp: Common Lisp, Racket, Clojure, Emacs Lisp - Hyperpolyglot](#shyprplygltrglsplspcmmnlsprcktcljrmcslsphyprplyglt) [[lisp]]
- [`[2021-01-02]` (1) Online Lisp Meeting Videos - YouTube](#swwwytbcmplylstlstplgqbykdcsftbypvnlnlspmtngvdsytb) [[lisp]] [[towatch]]
- [`[2020-12-31]` McCLIM – A powerful GUI toolkit for Common Lisp](#scmmnlspntprjctmcclmxcthtlmcclmpwrflgtlktfrcmmnlsp) [[lisp]]
- [`[2020-05-13]` Janet: a lightweight, expressive and modern Lisp | Hacker News](#snwsycmbntrcmtmdjntlghtwghtxprssvndmdrnlsphckrnws) [[lisp]]
- [`[2021-01-01]` Forth compiler in one literate x86 assembly file | Hacker News](#snwsycmbntrcmtmdfrthcmplrnnltrtxssmblyflhckrnws) [[lisp]]
- [`[2020-07-03]` Joshua Ebner on Twitter: "@julesh\_ @paulg Honest question: What's so great about Lisp?" / Twitter](#stwttrcmjshbnrsttsjshbnrnnstqstnwhtssgrtbtlsptwttr) [[lisp]]
- [`[2018-10-03]` Scheme Lisp: feel the cool Andy Balaam Accu 2018](#schmlspflthclndyblmcc) [[lisp]]
- [Write a post following that common lisp post and comparing](#wrtpstfllwngthtcmmnlsppstndcmprng) [[python]] [[lisp]]
- [lisp sucks: dunno, my eyes kinda hurt without explicit else keyword…](#lspscksdnnmyyskndhrtwthtxplctlskywrd) [[lisp]]
- [hmm, maybe show visual cues for indentation level? but this requires very strict formatting rules](#hmmmybshwvslcsfrndnttnlvlthsrqrsvrystrctfrmttngrls) [[lisp]]
- [example of thing that would be 'discouraged' in lisp (`emsg`)](#xmplfthngthtwldbdscrgdnlspmsg) [[python]] [[lisp]]
- [`[2021-02-06]` jestem króliczkiem on Twitter: "Lisp is amazing, truly language of the future "not especially malicious" https://t.co/Wvhha6CCUl" / Twitter](#stwttrcmkrlcsssttsjstmkróspcllymlcsstcwvhhccltwttr) [[lisp_sucks]]
- [`[2021-03-15]` Smug Lisp Weenie](#wkccmsmglspwnsmglspwn) [[lisp]]
- [`[2021-03-20]` Pascal Costanza's Highly Opinionated Guide to Lisp](#wwwpcsntlspgdhtmlpsclcstnzshghlypnntdgdtlsp) [[lisp]]
Ok, let's figure out why there is so much hype about lisp.
# related [[programming]] [[elisp]] [[plt]] [[computing]]
# `[2019-10-18]` What did Alan Kay mean by, "Lisp is the greatest single programming language ever designed"? | Lobsters [[lisp]]
## `[2019-12-04]` eh, dunno feels like it's hard to appreciate Lisp now because it hasn't evolved much and concepts that were novel once are taken for granted now
# `[2020-01-16]` Running Lisp in Production [[lisp]]
# `[2019-10-23]` [Let Over Lambda](https://letoverlambda.com/textmode.cl/guest/chap5.html)
dunno, wasn't really impressed much…
# `[2021-01-01]` [I think it would be not that much better than prefix. Infix is easier to read, … | Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5227258) [[lisp]]
The second thing is, intermediate variables makes code much more readable, but lisp strongly discourages this. The only way to create a lexical variable is with LET. But this causes indenting, which is pretty ugly. In fact, the use of indenting for both logical nesting and variable creation is a really nasty thing:
# `[2021-01-03]` [On repl-driven programming - by mikel evins](https://mikelevins.github.io/posts/2020-12-18-repl-driven/) [[repl]] [[lisp]]
# `[2021-01-08]` [Python for Lisp Programmers](https://norvig.com/python-lisp.html) [[python]] [[lisp]]
# `[2021-01-01]` [Lisp: Common Lisp, Racket, Clojure, Emacs Lisp - Hyperpolyglot](https://hyperpolyglot.org/lisp) [[lisp]]
# `[2021-01-02]` [(1) Online Lisp Meeting Videos - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgq_B39Y_kKD9_sdCeE5SufaeAtbYPv80) [[lisp]] [[towatch]]
# `[2020-12-31]` [McCLIM – A powerful GUI toolkit for Common Lisp](https://common-lisp.net/project/mcclim/excite.html) [[lisp]]
# `[2020-05-13]` [Janet: a lightweight, expressive and modern Lisp | Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23164614) [[lisp]]
Okay, so when Clojure came along, it came with a strong underlying philosophy of what the language was supposed to be/do. Among them were design decisions such as, e.g.,:
- VMs, not OSes, are the platforms of the future, so target the JVM
- Object Orientation is overrated, but polymorphism is a good thing
- Multi-core is here to stay, so use immutable data structures to greatly facilitate writing correct concurrent programs
- Leverage the strengths of LISP but give it a modern overhaul (most notably, throw in different parenthesis)
# `[2021-01-01]` [Forth compiler in one literate x86 assembly file | Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=942684) [[lisp]]
Syntax is of course the most obvious `backward' thing. Conceptually Lisp moves you away from the machine and closer to math, Forth stays way closer. Forth does not (normally) include a garbage collector. Naming variables is discouraged. Forth is almost untyped, Lisp is strongly-dynamically typed.
# `[2020-07-03]` [Joshua Ebner on Twitter: "@julesh\_ @paulg Honest question: What's so great about Lisp?" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/Josh_Ebner/status/1278733040181817345) [[lisp]]
Honest question:
What's so great about Lisp?
# `[2018-10-03]` Scheme Lisp: feel the cool Andy Balaam Accu 2018 [[lisp]]
- 38:46 weird code as data (define s (lsit '+ 4 7))
- `[2019-10-20]` eh, very basic talk and also doesn't really communicate why scheme/lisp are cool if you're experienced with multiple languages already. Thing with numbers and mscons at the end can be done on any PL
# Write a post following that common lisp post and comparing [[python]] [[lisp]]
I don't mean to offend lisp lovers or anything. I'm just desperately trying to find what's so special about lisp I don't see, so would be happy to know if you Todo missing aspect
# lisp sucks: dunno, my eyes kinda hurt without explicit else keyword… [[lisp]]
# hmm, maybe show visual cues for indentation level? but this requires very strict formatting rules [[lisp]]
# example of thing that would be 'discouraged' in lisp (`emsg`) [[python]] [[lisp]]
elif isinstance(e, ImportError):
emsg = getattr(e, 'msg', '') # make mypy happy
if 'failed to find libmagic' in emsg: # probably the actual library is missing?...
defensive_msg = "couldn't import magic. See https://github.com/ahupp/python-magic#installation"
# `[2021-02-06]` [jestem króliczkiem on Twitter: "Lisp is amazing, truly language of the future "not especially malicious" https://t.co/Wvhha6CCUl" / Twitter](https://twitter.com/karlicoss/status/1358183224929902593) [[lisp_sucks]]
Lisp is amazing, truly language of the future
"not especially malicious"
# `[2021-03-15]` [Smug Lisp Weenie](http://wiki.c2.com/?SmugLispWeenie) [[lisp]]
ok, great discussion here
# `[2021-03-20]` [Pascal Costanza's Highly Opinionated Guide to Lisp](http://www.p-cos.net/lisp/guide.html) [[lisp]]