Resources for Wayland [Window Management](id:15f7cf6e-6e91-4c11-9233-45465e2c338c). I'm currently using Wayland as my window manager of choice but am wondering whether it's worthwhile - I can't track information about what programs I'm using at what time, what keystrokes I'm using, etc - information I'd like to have about my computer usage (but that causes obvious security problems for userland programs)! # How to make sure an application is not XWayland Install Xeyes, one of the X11 demo apps. If the eyes are moving when you mouse over the app, it's X and running on XWayland, as X is giving it access to all of your desktop information. If they aren't, the app's running in Wayland - the eyes don't have access. # Resources [Wayland book]( # Fixing screensharing on wayland [share with wayland package]( [loopback device for screen sharing]( [control video devices like a webcam]( These tutorials aren't as important as software that people can download that works seamlessly. I want abstractions - configurable services that can be downloaded by anyone that will 'just work'. # Implementation Libraries [GitHub - swaywm/wlroots: A modular Wayland compositor library]( A C bootstrapping toolkit for building Wayland compositors. Is this useful? I'll investigate further. [smithay]( a tool for [Rust](id:cae43ca9-ddd4-42da-877a-6aeeb2264ae7) wayland compositor development - [GitHub - malcolmstill/cl-wayland: Common Lisp bindings for libwayland]( - [GitHub - swaywm/zig-wlroots: Zig bindings for wlroots](