I think that this should be a new kind of domain-specific static file. When revisiting this document, revisit this idea. # Specification A \`tour\` file contains a list of locations or paths. It can suggest times, days or seasons during which a location should be visited or a path should be traveled. Standard coordinates are used to denote or represent these paths; the information stored should be sufficient to reproduce the map with Google Maps or OSM. Cool, why static files? - Have them forever - Don't have to figure out how to extract your structured data from services; your file **is** the source of truth for the structured data - Text files are super easy to manage, send and receive - Text files can create "pure" website experiences, where a website is some pure function with some type Specification =\> View, without having to handle any signins or other weird glue in between. It's simple! - The file (ideally) is human-readable without using any external tool; I should be able to open the file in a standard text editor and consume all of the content. Any augmented view of the file is a bonus. Cons: - Slow: have to parse the static file to display it. Other alternatives, like API authentication, might also be slower. - Multiple sources of truth: there is no way to guarantee that the data that some static file contains is updated. The file has to be submitted to a tool for any sort of "automatic" update of the file. - More work: Have to design some plaintext file format and write a parser for this file format. - Hard to handle some forms of unstructured data such as images. There is no good answer to this; the images have to be stored external to the file or the file format can use some fake \`.zip\` specification that bundles the images. Are there other ways to handle this effectively? # Previous Contents holzmarkt, kater blau: 11pm b liquidrom 1pm! flak tower sunset 9pm sisyphos berlin 1am saturday morni g neukolln bar hop klunkerkranich walk by gallery with cool paintings to friedrichstain (at some point?)