Operating Systems
Operating systems run your computer! There are lots of innovative OS
projects but only a few are really used. A few more than those have some
interesting ideas. [Expanded Main Page - OSDev
Wiki](https://wiki.osdev.org/Expanded_Main_Page) has tons of resources
on building an operating system.
# Projects
## Desktop
Aside from Linux, Windows, MacOS and derivatives…
An operating system that claims to provide advanced system debugging, a
next-generation file system, networking and visualization.
Windows 10 with the crap removed
An operating system built on the [subleq](http://mazonka.com/subleq/)
higher level language architecture. See the
[video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlxMy_zrgAU) for a detailed
- [Redshirt](https://github.com/tomaka/redshirt)
- [Redox](https://gitlab.redox-os.org/redox-os/redox) :: is a Rust
operating system with a microkernel-based design.
- [Urbit](https://github.com/urbit/urbit) :: A 'universal function'.
- [MetalOS](https://github.com/toddsharpe/MetalOS) :: A hobby project
written by a single person.
- [InterimOS](https://github.com/mntmn/interim) :: Written to accompany
mntmn's custom hardware.
- [CirnOS](https://github.com/mchlmmc/CirnOS) :: An operating system
that transforms a Raspberry Pi into an Arduino. effectively.
- [Demikernel](https://github.com/demikernel/demikernel) :: interesting
approach to architecture
- [CrysaLisp](https://github.com/vygr/ChrysaLisp) :: A next-generation
Lisp machine.
- TempleOS (racist)
- [CollapseOS](https://collapseos.org/) :: An OS written entirely in the
Forth programming language.
- Fuschia :: Google's up-and-coming unified desktop and mobile operating
system. Presumably similar to Linux-SE (Android).
- Gentoo :: An operating system that prides itself on building
everything from source. [Leaving
gentoo seems like a great
learning exp help
loading gentoo onto a pi {might be more helpful to put on qemu}
- [Qubes OS](https://www.qubes-os.org/intro/) :: An operating system
that isolates every application and device on the computer, granting
permission to each only when necessary. Many journalists and security
professionals rely on this.
- [WhoNix](https://www.whonix.org/) :: An operating system designed to
completely sandbox your activity inside of a virtual machine.
- Plan9 :: Defer to [Devine's notes on the
- Plan9 resources:
- [Plan 9 System Calls](http://aiju.de/plan_9/plan9-syscalls)
- [plan9 tools for unix operating systems](https://git.sr.ht/~ft/9pro)
- [Junos OS](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Junos_OS)
- [Spectrum](https://spectrum-os.org/) :: An OS modeled after Qubes, but
making full use of the Nix reproducible build system, and dedicated to
supporting mainstream x86-64 hardware.
- SmartOS :: combines opensolaris tech with linux kvm virtualization.
has zfs. contributed to illumos project
## Mobile
The most popular alternative Android operating system, built off of
An operating system designed to function efficiently on older,
refurbished devices. Built on LineageOS.
NixOS Mobile
A full port of NixOS to a mobile platform. It's built on top of many
previous efforts and relies on a tool to convert GTK applications to
mobile equivalents.
## Hobby
[I got my Gameboy emulator running in my OS! :
This is so inspirational. I love it. I would love to play this game boy
game on this operating system. It sounds so fun and satisfying to have
made and to use a stack like this!
## Other
reenvisioning the os
[Operating Systems: Three Easy Pieces
[Books](id:d3e5c5d4-3899-457b-9ebe-3e7b9d984aa1) [hobby operating system
written in C](https://github.com/nickbjohnson4224/rhombus)
[macos emulation layer for linux](https://github.com/darlinghq/darling)
[toy os](https://github.com/akkartik/mu)
[demikernel/demikernel: Demikernel
OS](https://github.com/demikernel/demikernel) [nickbjohnson4224/rhombus:
a hobby operating system written in
C](https://github.com/nickbjohnson4224/rhombus) [jmgrosen/shorai: A
super-amazing OS that will bring world
[cleverca22/not-os](https://github.com/cleverca22/not-os) [How to
Protect Your Privacy on
Linux](https://spreadprivacy.com/linux-privacy-tips/) [well known
operating systems course at
upitt](http://people.cs.pitt.edu/~jacklange/teaching/cs2510-f17/) [just
in time specialization for opencl
[trigger kernel races
[kabbi/wonderland: Inferno clone to conquer the
a demo operatin system for learning
the little book of of development
the screenless office and other
artistic efforts toy os kernel and
utilities map of the linux
kernel reengineering of the operating
system as a ux project, fluid experience driven by human intent
binary compatible unikernel
statically linked linux system
luajit command line os
: overview of real
alternative operating systems for considering. lots of interesting
[GitHub - jzck/kernel-zig: hobby x86 kernel
zig](https://github.com/jzck/kernel-zig): Cool microkernel rolled with
of Zig