Org Mode is a markup language. A part of the [Emacs](id:62a9456a-e08a-4dc4-8e9d-310deffdb720), it's often used for notebook-like computing, writing documentation, and preparing static files for services like this one. I bought into the dreams of "doing everything in Org-mode" for awhile, but, while nice and convenient, the system ultimately is not intended to be some expressive database for all of these different types of data[^2] cached in plain text. It's a decent document format that's annoying and difficult to parse, but I have a ton of legacy work in Org so I'm going to stick with the format in part throughout my notes. [This post]( and [the emacs docs]( are incredibly helpful for documentation. # Basic Formatting The structure of an org-mode file is defined with nested headings. ``` org : * Heading 1 : ** Heading 2 : *** Heading 3 : *** And so forth... ``` It supports several flavors of text: ``` org *bold*, /italic/, _underlined_, +strikethrough+, =monospace=. Links are rendered [[][with description]] or without: Lists can be - ordered - have sub-headings 1. support enumeration 2. as needed - have definitions :: true. + works as well - [ ] can be unfinished - [X] or complete : or rendered as preformatted text. ``` ``` python def logical(): return f'Org mode can also' f'render code from many languages!' ``` ``` bash echo "it supports any language that is supported by Emacs" ``` ``` python return "and can even display the result of evaluated code!" print("Sometimes...") ``` | It Contains | Great Tables | |-------------|--------------| | 42 | With | | Native | Support! | |-----|-----| |tables without headers | asdf| |hjkl | should also be well-supported | It has a single standard, and isn't a 'flavor' of markdown or rst[^1]! # References [Better defaults for Emacs]( ## LaTeX [The Org Manual: LaTeX header and sectioning]( [latex in links]( ## Zotero There is probably some viable research workflow here - I just haven't found it. [research workflow with zotero]( [A research workflow with Zotero and Org mode]( [zotero configuration]( [John Kitchin: research with Org mode]( # Plugins The best part about org mode isn't its simplicity and flexibility – its that it has become an integral component of the Emacs ecosystem. The format has support for calendars, TODO lists, and READMEs, so it's flexible enough to express a variety of ideas that are conducive to a primarily text-based user interface. [org skeleton for tech specs]( [Organizing a Complex Directory for Emacs Org Mode and Deft]( [org-capture outside of emacs]( [getting more out of org-capture]( # Strategies [using org mode to manage your life]( [convert data into interactive org mode views]( [LaTeX header and sectioning (The Org Manual)]( [Org-Mode Is One of the Most Reasonable Markup Languages to Use for Text]( [scallywag/org-board: Org mode's web archiver.]( []( [wikinfo convert wikipedia infoboxes into org mode entries]( [using org-noter]( [org-capture and evil mode]( [org-rifle]( [karl voit on orgmode]( [org mode archival system built off of pinboard]( [karl voit: using org mode as markup]( [org-protocol]( [using emacs org protocol]( ## Notes [org-mode note workflow]( [An Orgmode Note Workflow :: Rohit Goswami — Reflections]( ## Project Management [Organize Your Life With Org-Mode]( [Introduction Org Mode Project Management · Brian A. Maicke]( # Managing Agendas [My Workflow with Org-Agenda]( [org-agenda]( [using org mode to manage life]( # Wiki [Wiki](id:f7878a04-9724-482c-a6f6-8024d4a940e5) [Org-mode Workflow Part 3: Zettelkasten with Org-mode · Jethro Kuan]( [Zettels and Org-mode — Zettelkasten Forum]( [^2]: Can I place a footnote here too? They should be lifted from the document flow, right? ## Org-Roam [A Tour of Org Roam - YouTube]( [Org Roam for Academics Demo]( ## Weight tracking and fitness [Exercise](id:750523e5-529b-4d9f-b0ac-7e4b0112236d) [Tracking fitness with emacs]( [Weight capture template]( [fitnessorg: fitness workout tracker]( [org-fit]( [org-diet]( [New blog and new post about exercise tracking in Org mode - orgmode]( [^1]: Ironically, I'm going to use the Org mode page to test markdown footnotes.