[What role does developer experience play in PL research?](https://blog.sigplan.org/2020/10/27/whats-the-role-of-developer-experience-in-programming-languages-research) [Find product-market fit with a framework](http://firstround.com/review/how-superhuman-built-an-engine-to-find-product-market-fit/#rt_u=1604934611_r4nx1o) [Growth-share matrix](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth%E2%80%93share_matrix) [A Rake Too Far: Optimal Platform Pricing Strategy - Above the CrowdAbove the …](https://abovethecrowd.com/2013/04/18/a-rake-too-far-optimal-platformpricing-strategy/) # Minimum viable usership [The Tyranny of the Minimum Viable User](https://www.reddit.com/r/dredmorbius/comments/69wk8y/the_tyranny_of_the_minimum_viable_user/) The tool should never be more complicated than the needs of the user. A tool should serve the single purpose it needs. # Improving work [inspired by Google's work](https://rework.withgoogle.com/about/) - Psychological evaluations to ensure that employees feel that they are heard and supported - Thorough manager and personal feedback - Truly collaborative environment vs. one in which time is valued relative to one's importance in the company [Product marketing resources](https://romainaubert.com/product-marketing-resources) # OSS Success [Reflections on Excalidraw](https://blog.vjeux.com/2020/uncategorized/reflections-on-excalidraw.html) - respond quickly - be decisive - keep quality - etc… [successful one person businesses](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=21332072) [I Just Hit \$100k/yr On GitHub Sponsors! ?❤️ (How I Did It) \| Caleb Porzio](https://calebporzio.com/i-just-hit-dollar-100000yr-on-github-sponsors-heres-how-i-did-it) [brand yourself as a freelancer](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23282278) [advice for working in FOSS full time](https://drewdevault.com/2020/11/20/A-few-ways-to-make-money-in-FOSS.html) # Marketing online: getting an audience - hijack super timeline for someone big in the niche be one of teh first to respond profit - use very specific voice and be very intense about it - invest in tools and software for good quality memes - always borrow from other sites and make them relevant to yours - monitor tweets of specific users to make sure you can interact iwth them - low lift giveaway - build a community - create a visual identity, i.e. an emoji next to the name - be genuine about the hard stuff - go super viral (ugh) [advice on cs independent work](https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~bwk/advice.html) [Pieter's work as a solo dev](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24259201) Reminder that building products well for a niche and providing value is a good place to be. [Scattered Thoughts: Small Tech](https://scattered-thoughts.net/writing/small-tech): Inspiration for lots of small companies and ideas! check it out! their blog is pretty good as well.