* Monday, 10/02/23 ** 17:55 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CHzXv6b6m20 - Max Fosh - conveying in the videos - "want to seem like it's just me doing a thing during the day; we just happen to have cameras around" instagram ideas - you get all the value you need from a picture and a caption or a short video hook of content should provide another question - what's next? he hatched a fish from caviar? HOW did he catch a fish? make the hook brief and brilliant and shareable across platforms - but leave more hanging to share across other platforms. Not healthy to pretend to be interested in anything Has to pass the pub test - if I tell someone the idea at the pub in a couple of sentences and they look at me in a weird way, I've got an idea; they want to see more Good to be unfamiliar enough with a circumstance but for it to seem cool, to have a good level of energy... ** 22:27 Photos have to be just quiet enough; not too loud, not too much coing on