* Saturday, 09/30/2023 ** 11:04 jake.isnt.online is a silo - away from other ideas of computing, away from websites and how they should be built. folk. uln.industries is industrial, production-ready, state-of-the-art. ** 14:55 Bucket list / might miss some things, but need some goals to center myself... - Make one clothing collection: simple items that I can wear forever. - Take beautiful photos of everyone I love, no matter where we are - Learn to sketch or paint // without an end goal yet - Build a computing ecosystem entirely my own: web stack, programming language database system... own my stack. Something symbiotic. - Build, or help build, a tool that many friends and family members use every day. Thinking Notion, iPhone, Google Maps. - Become comfortable with mathematics and formal methods. I think I'll much better understand the world. - Likewise for physics. - Likewise for human biology / understand the biological foundations for the 'state of the art', at least. - Likewise for computing hardware. - Learn to write to convey information well. - Make an album of music. - Speak Swedish comfortably. - Understand enough Mandarin to properly experience China / or Korean/Korea, Japan/Japan, Arabic/yeah... English will never explain those cultures enough. - See South America - See East Africa - See the middle east This is far from complete, I think, I think, I think