* Wednesday, 09/20/23 ** 10:31 Some deliberate life improvements that I feel are significantly changing the way I am living life: - Replacing phone use cases with external devices. Phone should live in the back pocket, not the front pocket, and be used only as a last resort. - Pausing before speaking. An uncomfortably long pause followed by a well-reasoned answer is far more clear than a series of ramblings before directing someone to the right place. - Time tracking on google calendar. Now that I know how I spend my time, I can take steps to deliberately improve it. - Planning small time frames in google calendar ahead of time. Same reason - helps set goals. - Writing more and making videos critiquing my photos. I think these things already, but writing them down - making them real - voicing and highlighting these ideas - helps me learn to talk about work, advance its quality, and share my work with others. - Dealing with menial tasks by end of day - always. There is never not time for another five minute email in my life now. - Making a deliberate effort to take photos every day.