* Saturday, 06/03/2023 ** 00:31 The lack of a good Clojure stack trace is killing me. Clojure is great when you don't have errors. When you do, the language provides no diagnostic information (though maybe I'm just unacquainted with the debugging tools that the language offers...) ** 00:32 Fixed the fonts on my system. Berkeley Mono really is beautiful, as are Kate's terminal visualizations. I hope I'll be able to build some into the site and/or into my daily workflow - I'll continue to experiment with how data is shown. Learned a bit about shaders today, too, but I've decided not to spend much time on them - my focus is on perfecting 2D graphics and visuals. 3D is too advanced for me now (aside from some 3D css shading tricks, or a sort of '2.5d'). My site is becoming more and more 'reflective' though. The more I iterate on it, the better the features tend to 'flow together'; I have a bunch of ideas that seem unrelated, but over the course of a couple of days they combine to reveal some super powerful primitives, and those primitives can hten be used throughout the application to make the framework both faster and more expressive. Clojure's "for" laziness bit me today - but I can see laziness being super useful, like to retrieve git log information or to get information about files that are supposed to be dependent on one another. I'll see where that takes me. ** 18:14 The bit of isolation I hear feels lonely, but it's been really valuable; I'm very quickly finding an understanding of what I want to do with my life and how I want to go about it. I want ot make, to build creative tools, to make using a computer better; I want those tools to be freely available to anyone and for them to be the best tools available, so there is no decision between paying Adobe or Capture One or whoever else is adding artificial scarcity to limited commodities; I want to build tools that people both admire as objects and that can be used every day. Progress isn't made with good work, not entirely; it's assembled between people making connections in the real world. Balue Coffee's pop-up was wonderful; he was so welcoming, the coffee was so good, and the community of people that Justin (?) seems to have fostered is beautiful. Some poeple drove or flew out from fairly far out to spend time hanging out in a parking lot to support this business; to support him. I love doing this for others, but am not sure how to foster a community quite like he has. Life could be so, so rich. Maybe San Francisco or New York would help; maybe I can change myself to foster such a community here.