* Wednesday, 02/22/2023 :PROPERTIES: :ID: 00a633a3-aed4-4987-93c4-e6e22ff03ee9 :END: ** 19:58 moved to markdown and back again #+BEGIN_SRC nu ls | select name | each { |name| $name.name | split row "." | first } | each { |name| nu -c $'pandoc --from=org --to=gfm -o /home/jake/wiki/journals/($name).md /home/jake/wiki/journals/($name).org' } #+END_SRC ** 20:04 meta: pros and cons of infrastructure - Use org mode, find a good parser + good emacs compatibility - might not be performant - i don't want to have to maintain code - switch to markdown + supported by no tools + more readable syntax - worse emacs support - there are some things i want from a markup that it still doesn't support I think best solution might be to use my own markdown variant