# Thursday, 01/19/2023 ## 00:56 mr rogers movie. loved it bonnie chuck arguing he's a shell of his former self - he knows the motions but there isn't as much behind it. can only imagine how he feels or what he's going through though it often feels like Bonnie is as well - she doesn't understand the motions-she sees him - and interacts with him as him i understand why technology is so frustrating - it's impossible to understand what the remote might correspond to. the smartphone, and the ability to tap on something you see to open it! is brilliant downtown Boise is a shell it might be like every downtown i was wrong about portland not changing me - the important thing i'm learning is that i don't need anything to be happy but family and company and communication. i can never think consciously about words - they just flow and Flow ## 02:28 project progress.eml program launcher - make this dumb as hell. make it look like the system. just search for .desktop programs on wayland. i can add to it later text editor - finish it up. don't worry about lsp. just compile tree sitter in and make some basic shortcuts. just has to get done. roman letters - rudimentary projectional text editor. exposes dropdown when typing that you select from. bidirectional editing adds and colors new lines. can animate the construction too. can predefine primitives. recommendation catalog - look like old mac app. check css from sites i saved - optimised for mobile - show one rec on page at a time, in a window. wwy to order? show persons face. print accompanying physical catalog lisp - get this shit done. website - add journal support. super simple just one to a page. think about it later.