## 14:50 more reading and practice!
i really need to get my new system off of the ground - org mode is
seriously not working for me, and i really do not want to convert to
org-roam 2 – the systim is now fairly incompatible with what i want from
my personal information system.
that said, more notes today:
### what shape are you?
- it's always worthwhile to have conversations about employee
performance, but they should always focus on 'value' rather than any
other metric.
- avoid conversations strictly focused on accomplishments, what was
positive and what was negative. this makes the key assumption of a
'spec sheet' of values - which captures a flat profile or them as an
individual rather than their total, tangible value to a team!
- at first, the role of an individual in the context of a project is,
simply, the sum of the tasks they've been assigned.
- as you grow as an individual as well as within the team, though, your
role evolves - with the 'shape' of your contributions morphing to fit
whatever you'd like them to. over time, people identify their 'bad
shapes' in a professional context and morph them to best fit the team
composition that works best for them.
- most work is additive but not all work generates equal value; aligning
skills with 'uncaptured' opportunities for growth produces success!
- view work as 'subtractive' instead - get an intuitive as well as
practical sense for what work needs to be done, then chip off parts of
that MVP until completion.
- make sure to know and understand how the manager sees the team
dynamics and how everything fits well together. help others see their
shapes and find your own.
1. subtracting from the blob
- remove low impact work quickly, leaving a clear solution and
continuing to chip away until all of the work is complete.
### molyneux's problem
If one is born blind and learns to distintuish two objects by touch,
will they - upon regaining their sight - be able to recognize and/or
distinguish the two objects?
Ultimately there are a couple of interesting philisophical avenues to
explore here, but today the problem feels rudimentary and prone to
experimental determination.
### ethical cases for nonvegetenarianism
secular humanism; or emphasizing human agency without any form of divine
primarily molluscs.
humane to eat non bivalve animals? (I assume the 'bivalve' distinction
is made as mollusks have less evidence for some definition of
- "a vegetarian is just a person who spares his own feelings by killing
creatures that can't scream"
- logic of the larder: only pasture raised; 'life worth living', so that
money subsidizes the positive creation of life that would otherwise
not have existed!
- not obvious animals 'suffer' - this is a common assumption!
- hedonic adaptation: even living in a crate may not significantly
negatively impact life?
- increased animal welfare! promotion of healthy diet!
- anecdotals about personal mental healh changing as a result of diet!
- 'co evolution' theory of animal diet dependence - who are we to defy
biological requirements?
- everything living eats and feels pain!
- main issue is divorce of relationship between animal and consumption
of meat - seen as inhumane, almost.
### jhana
deciding not to pursue such a path today. too much mental load! maybe i
will learn more about meditative techniques in the future, but there is
far too much to learn now.
## 21:24 more notes
loving olympic skateboarding. feels so informal without the audience and
as such a new, casual sport - it's as if the competitors are just
hanging out in the stadium!
oppenheimer's life: interesting. appreciate the great diversity of
interests, though not so much the academic game of egos, discipline and
starting early. where am i going to end up? how much agency do i have?
do i get a job first or work hard to kick off a conrulting effort? what
do i even want?
loving 'your lie in april' - interested in starting to study classical
music. where do I begin?