## 01:56 NATs [src](https://adlrocha.substack.com/p/adlrocha-traversing-the-nat?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxMDY5MzAyMSwicG9zdF9pZCI6MTM1NTgxNDIsIl8iOiJRNzhKbSIsImlhdCI6MTYwMzQ5NzM4MCwiZXhwIjoxNjAzNTAwOTgwLCJpc3MiOiJwdWItMTM3MDEiLCJzdWIiOiJwb3N0LXJlYWN0aW9uIn0.ZKSnUe_hC07NAyHWQNgLEtw33WS2MChDc7dPEPKYVTI) What is the future of the internet? The need for global collectivity is super important; one of the biggest blockers is NAT traversal. NAT :: Network Address Translation. A mechanism used to map from one IP address space to another to redirect IP packets in transit. We must prevent every connected device from requiring a public IP, so they should be freely redirected to our own private subnetworks from our router to the local devices connected to it.