# Gyuri's Foam powered digital garden - Here to explore integration with agora - edited **👋 Welcome to your new Foam Knowledge Base!** ## Getting started This documentation assumes that you have a GitHub account and have [Visual Studio Code](https://code.visualstudio.com/) installed on your Linux/MacOS/Windows machine. 1. If you haven't yet, browse over to the main [Foam documentation](https://foambubble.github.io/foam) to get an idea of what Foam is and how to use it. 2. Press "Use this template" button at [foam-template](https://github.com/foambubble/foam-template/generate) (that's this repository!) to fork it to your own GitHub account. If you want to keep your thoughts to yourself, remember to set the repository private. 3. [Clone the repository to your local machine](https://help.github.com/en/github/creating-cloning-and-archiving-repositories/cloning-a-repository) and open it in VS Code. *Open the repository as a folder using the `File > Open...` menu item.* 4. When prompted to install recommended extensions, click **Install all** (or **Show Recommendations** if you want to review and install them one by one) After setting up the repository, head to [[getting-started]] to get familiar with your new knowledge base! To learn more about how to use **Foam**, read the [Recipes](https://foambubble.github.io/foam/recipes/recipes) bubbles of the Foam documentation workspace. And remember that you can always join our [Foam community on Discord](https://foambubble.github.io/join-discord/g)! ## Using Foam We've created a few Bubbles (markdown documents) to get you started. - [[inbox]] - a place to write down quick notes to be categorized later - [[getting-started]] - learn how to use your Foam workspace - [[todo]] - a place to keep track of things to do In the `docs` directory you can find everything you need to learn the basics of Foam. ## Submitting Issues As you may have noticed, issues are disabled. With the goal to keep the project fairly easy to maintain, please file your issues in the main Foam repository: >