- Your [[product]] or [[service]] needs to [[fit]] with their [[workflow]], and with what they would need if they were [[experimenting]]. - Labeling [[emotions]] may help [[people]] come out with them. collapsed:: true - It seems like you're [[feeling]] 'X'? How 'X' are you? What led to that feeling? What needs to happen for that feeling to be better? What can I do to help you make this happen? - Deep [[curiosity]] about an interlocutor will make any [[conversation]] [[interesting]]. collapsed:: true - Making things about [[others]] yields [[unknown]] [[opportunities]] because they are more likely to share what they [[know]] that you don't. - Ask [[questions]] that trigger [[answers]] that use thinking, feeling, or doing statements. - If someone tends to [[block]] others, give them something specific to do. Make them feel important. collapsed:: true - Ask them for a [[solution]]. - When people need to [[vent]], let them vent and then [[ask]] them to say more. - When people think something new is [[impossible]], [[ask]] them what's impossible to do that would really help them out, then ask them about what would make that [[possible]]. - How can you [[ask]] something that will help someone say "No"? collapsed:: true - What can you [[ask]] that will get both parties of a [[conflict]] to [[mirror]] each other? - Where do they need to be to be able to solve the [[problem]]? - Picture someone doing something [[frustrating]]. - [[Ask]] the [[tulpa]] about what frustrates them most about you. - [[Ask]] about how much they are frustrated with you. - [[Ask]] the tulpa-copy about a time you did something extremely [[painful]] to them. - If someone isn't pulling their weight, point out the ways you think you probably [[frustrate]] them.