- [[Attack]] when [[position]] is [[strong]], [[defend]] when [[weak]]. - Everything in the [[body]] changes to flow with what the [[environment]] asks of it. - So, if a body is given heavier [[weight]] to carry, then it will [[change]] to be able to [[lift]] that weight. - The [[body]] drifts toward the lowest state of [[energy]]. - If a [[body]] has changed to [[fit]] with a [[misalignment]], then switching to an aligned position will feel uncomfortable. - Lower [[back]] [[pain]] is associated with a lack of muscular [[strength]] and [[endurance]] in the hips and back. - [[Pain]] does not necessarily indicate [[damage]], though it may help to prevent it. collapsed:: true - Expectations around pain change the way pain is adapted to, and how long and where it lasts. - Localized [[pain]] is relieved by increasing [[strength]] in that area. - [[Tightness]] is often caused by [[pain]], [[instability]], or [[weakness]]. collapsed:: true - [[Kettlebell]] swings at high volume build [[endurance]] in the muscles that stabilize the [[spine]]. So do reverse hyperextensions. - [[Tight]] muscles can be [[weak]] and [[loose]] muscles can be [[strong]].