# Utopoi - [[go]] https://lorand.earth/utopoi/about/ - [[project]] [[owner]] anagora.org/@jonathan - Utopoi is a space for [[applied utopia]] and [[constructive imagination]]. - Utopoi has a [[personality]]. - [[music]] [[playlist]]: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0Xz99QSXva1yPgrHcz38Tz - Excerpt follows, authored by [[jonathan-the-utopian]]. The following would be ways to interact with Utopoi: ## Oasis for energetic regeneration The most basic function of the space for applied utopia is to be a place where one can go to simply "be" in a relaxing, gentle way. This might mean resting, meditating, conversing, day-dreaming, reading, being lazy, thinking, feeling. The role of the space is to radiate a harmonious, quiet energy, and serve as an oasis, away from the pressures and signals of society. An oasis in the geographic sense, and also one in terms of tempo, wave-lengths, states, and paradigms. ## Cultural events Utopoi hosts events which explore formats for culture with an emphasis on embodied experiencing, living-room vibes, knowledge-sharing, and transdisciplinary dialogue. This means such things as: listening sessions, reading raves, meditation, living-room lectures, ambient installations, performances, etc. ## Group projects and workshops Utopoi hosts participatory activities in the form of workshops and group projects. We believe that spaces influence the interactions that happen within them; we aim to create space for ways of working together that are utopically constructive, gently playful, aware, and explorative. ## Node for utopic resources Within the physical space there will be a small library, and online a digital garden. And perhaps other resources as well.