- Previously: [[2023-01-27]] - [[bouncepaw]] - [[nu genea]] - #push [[celeste]] - the goal of the game is to reach the summit of a mountain - T livestreams in [[celeste summit]] - [[CLI]] joined! - [[holocene calendar]] - [[changbai]] in [[merveilles]] - working on [[betula]] - [[betula in agora]] \o/ - uses [[GoLand]] as an IDE - using [[sqlite]] in [[betula]] as well - #push [[do]] - [x] work on [[agora chapter]] - [x] go over latest batch of comments - [ ] add [[mycomarkup]] support in anagora.org - [ ] fix pushes in agor.ai - this probably requires moving to a non-dev setup, which makes complete sense - [ ] make [[agora of flancia/steward]] (i.e. compound queries) actually work in any way :) - [[yoga with x]] - [[center]] - [[flancia]] - [[agora chapter]] - [[krakauer]]