- I've been away from [[noding]] a bit, away from [[writing]], as I focused my writing on [[Agora chapter]] for the [[Personal Knowledge Graphs]] book. - I started [[Return to Monkey Island]] today and I'm liking it a lot. - I got used to the art style pretty quickly. - [[Flancia]] - #push [[flancia book]] - I think I want to call the book [[Flancia Chronicles]]. - The book is to be assembled from my writing in https://flancia.org and https://anagora.org. - In the meantime, there's a [[Flancia doc]] :) - #push [[agora]] - #push [[agora development]] - [ ] ship [[agora graph]] in some version? - [ ] [[dynamic subnodes]], sometimes also known as [[executable subnodes]] - [ ] ship executable subnodes with allowlist? - [ ] start on [[client side subnodes]], meaning [[javascript]] in gardens :) - [ ] easy improvement: I want to adjust the node/subnode icons back to what they were one or two months ago; a stack for a node made sense, whereas the current red book for node is puzzling. - #push [[agora chapter]] next steps - [x] read George's email. - end of week as deadline for all, then we need to.... - [ ] work on updated abstracts and... - [ ] start on the Markdown port. - [[work]] - worked a bit even though I had the day off, and I enjoyed getting some things done! - [[yoga with x]] - [[center]] - day 9 was [[corazón]] - day 10 (it "lags" one this month) is [[energy]] - [[fellowship of the link]] - [[2023]] - [[flancia 2023]] - [[bigger goals]] - [[argentina 1985]] - [[kris]] - [[the story of the chinese farmer]] - [[plantasia]] - [[sydney]] - [[paris]] - [[berlin]] - [[agora.yaml]] - [[another social network is possible]] - on [[bernard stiegler]] - https://networkcultures.org/geert/2022/12/28/harry-halpin-geert-lovink-another-social-network-is-possible-on-bernard-stiegler-and-the-social-media-question/